AWAI’s biography:

Starting as a DJ in 2021, Japanese DJ AWAI brings forth a melodic, melancholic sound influenced by her early piano training. With a penchant for dance music, particularly house music, she frequents parties and festivals both domestically and internationally. Energetically managing DJ activities in Osaka and Kyoto, she has also performed at events featuring overseas DJs and producers. Beyond DJing, she indulges in mix-making, with her mixes centered around Melodic House, Ambient, and Progressive House, captivating listeners and immersing them in the world of sound. Engaged in mental health-related work, she believes in the healing power of music on the human mind.

2021年にDJをスタート。幼少期からピアノを習い、旋律的で哀愁に満ちたサウンドを好む。学生時代よりダンスミュージック、中でもハウスミュージックに傾倒し、国内外のパーティやフェスに数多く足を運ぶ。大阪や京都でのDJ活動を精力的にこなし、海外アーティストの来日イベントにも出演経験がある。DJ活動の他にミックス作りを好んで行い、メロディックハウス、アンビエント、プログレッシブハウスを主軸とする彼女のミックスは、聴く者を音の世界に没入させる。メンタルケアの仕事に携わっており、音楽が人の心を癒す力を信じている。休日の自宅のBGMはYouTubeチャンネルのAnjunadeep Radio Live 24/7。


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Progressive Travelers : 054 on DI.FM

Friday 22nd, Mar 2024

Awai & MIR

DI.FM Progressive Channel

About LuNa

LuNaLUNA is a DJ from Osaka, Japan.
She started DJ-ing in dining bars back in 2011. Since then, she has decided to limit herself to online activities, such as podcasts and radio shows, which actually brought her to a wider stage.

As a child, LUNA grew up in an environment with different types of music and this contributed to the fact that her play style incorporates a diversity of music genres like House, Techno, something Deep and Progressive, and also Chill. She is free-spirited and plays in her own style.

In order to make more people interested in club music and enjoy clubbing, LUNA is still working hard on performing her mission.

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