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Help us support independent electronic music & creators!

To-date and since its launch in December 2013, Electrofans.com has been operating on a completely self-funded basis. In order to continue bringing great, high-quality music and artists to you, we are now asking for your help, to the degree that you are able and interested.

Your donation to Electrofans will help us in our efforts to continue to grow our web community and reach, which will further help us on our mission to be able to support more quality electronic music artists, and ultimately, to get more resources into the hands of and strengthen the independent electronic music creator community worldwide!! You can be a KEY PART in helping us to make a difference… (If you have any questions, please send us a message via our contact page or email us at: info@electrofans.com)

You can either: donate to Electrofans.com directly, or, if you wish, you can also designate your donation for a particular artist or label featured on the site, and we will give them 50% of your donation amount. Donate US $50 or more and receive a permanent mention on the website.

Any amount you can donate will help us to continue our development efforts and help support the artists and music you see featured on the site – thank you so much!!

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