AHREUM’s Biography:
Born in Busan, Korea.
Growing up in an environment where her mother played classical piano from an early age, it was inevitable for her to start her music career. With a background in music and a yearning for Japan, she moved to Tokyo to live.
The exuberance of dance music and the act of manipulating vinyls and turntables captivated her, and she began to play the piano on her own. She spent her days seeking out fresh Techno/House music and developing her sensitivity to it.
She started DJing in 2015. Shibuya, the holy land of dance music in Japan, is her base, and she has played at big clubs such as WOMB, CONTACT, and VISION. It didn’t take her long to start playing at big clubs like WOMB, CONTACT, VISION and many more.
Wearing a beautiful, black outfit and red rouge, she is “sometimes so intense and emotional that you just want to listen to her.” It will be the reason why her DJ sets, which are described in this way, call for a reputation. Projecting her own world view to Melodic Techno/House, her style of mixing freely changes and synchronizes the crowd, and it is just fascinating to experience.
In recent years, her DJ mixes have been distributed by the popular Italian promoter, Lose Control, and it seems that Ahreum’s horizons are not limited to Japan…
“AHREUM” — if you are a human being who goes to the dance floor, you should remember this name. It’s a name to remember if you’re a dancefloor person.
2015年よりDJ活動を開始。日本におけるダンスミュージックの聖地とも言える渋谷を拠点とし、WOMB, CONTACT, VISIONなどのビッククラブでプレイする事に時間はかからなかった。
麗しく、黒を基調とした衣装と紅いルージュを身に纏い、「時にただ聴いていたくなるような、時に激しく、エモーショナルに。」このように形容される彼女のDJ setが評判を呼ぶ事が理由だろう。自身の世界観を奏でるMelodic Techno、Houseに投影し、変化自在にMixしてゆくスタイルがクラウドを同調し、ただただ魅了していく。
近年ではイタリアの人気Promoter, Lose ControlからのDJ mix配信など、その視野は既に日本のみに収まらないようだ。
Latest Mix Tape / ASTRAL TAPE #017 : AHREUM
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