Myoru’s biography:
Born in 2001 in Saitama Prefecture, Japan.
From an early age, she learned piano, guitar, and other instruments, nurturing a foundation in music and the arts.
In 2022, she got hooked on Progressive/Organic House after an encounter with an event held at Taisho Tugboat (Osaka), and started her DJ career that same year.
In the following year, 2023, she joined the House Party “#ooxxx” held in Kobe, and have been actively participating as a regular crew member.
To this day, she has performed at parties and festivals in and outside of the Progressive House scene, mainly in Kobe and Osaka, and showcased melodic selections that evoke a sense of nostalgia, as well as delicate and graceful mixing techniques, which have received favorable responses.
With the motto of being a “DJ that embraces people,” she engages in daily contemplation to be the one that brings harmony to the dance floor.
2001年生まれ、神戸育ち。 幼少よりピアノやギターなどを習い、音楽や芸術方面への素地を育む。 2022年大正タグボートで開催していたイベントとの出会いをきっかけにOrganic / Progressive Houseにのめり込み、同年よりDJ活動を開始。 翌2023年には神戸の音楽交流バー「Otohatoba」にてProgressive Houseのレギュラーイベント「Ars:Nova」を初主催し、未来のOrganic / Progressive Houseシーンを担う一員となる。 また、大阪でも主催イベントを不定期に開催しており、オーガナイズとしても活躍中。 また、DI.FMに自身のMIXが不定期的に配信されており、どこか懐かさも感じられるメロディックな選曲、また繊細で優美なMixテクニックが好評を得、現在に至る。 「人々に寄り添うようなDJ」をモットーとし、フロアに融和をもたらす存在となるよう日々思索に耽る。
Progressive Travelers : 046 on DI.FM
Friday 23rd, Jun 2023
Myoru & Luziq
EST 8:00 / UTC 12:00 / CEST 14:00 / JST 21:00
DI.FM Progressive Channel