
Keisuke Kimura, born in 1989 in Kyoto Japan, is a progressive house producer and DJ.
He first encountered CyberTRANCE when a teen and then touched various dance music such as Trance, House, Techno, Hard Dance and Hardcore. While in college, he started DJing alongside his band activities, and began composing music in earnest in 2015.
In 2016, One of the his works, “Yasuha. – Solitude (Keisuke Kimura Remix) [RockRiverRecords]” released from Japan’s leading Progressive House label, was selected for the Excellence Award in a remix contest held by RockRiverRecords, which made him a household name in Japan as a progressive house creator. And his 2017 release track, “Keisuke Kimura – Like A Rainbow After the Rain [Sunset Melodies]”, was featured in a mix show “Only Silk Radio”, a radio showcase by one of the world’s leading Progressive House labels, Silk Music.
In 2018, he became an official member of the Progreesive House label, As Like Music, which has been transmitting music from Japan to the world, and has begun to steadily expand the scope of its activities.

1989年生まれ、京都府出身のProgressive House Producer / DJ。
10代の頃にCyberTRANCEに出会い、TranceをはじめHouse、Techno、Hard Dance、Hardcoreといった様々なダンスミュージックに触れる。大学在学中にバンド活動と並行してDJ活動を開始し、2015年より本格的に作曲活動を始める。
2016年には”Yasuha. – Solitude (Keisuke Kimura Remix) [RockRiverRecords]”が日本を代表するProgressive Houseレーベルである RockRiverRecords が開催するリミックスコンテストに優秀賞作品として採用され日本でのProgressive House クリエイターとしての名を広め、また2017年リリースされた楽曲”Keisuke Kimura – Like A Rainbow After the Rain [Sunset Melodies]”が世界を代表するProgressive Houseレーベルのひとつである Silk Music によるラジオショーケース Only Silk Radio にてミックスに採用されるなどその作風が評価されつつある。2018年より日本から世界に発信するProgreesive Houseレーベル As Like Musicに正式に所属し、その活動範囲を確実に広げはじめている。
Keisuke Kimura, born in 1989 in Kyoto Japan, is a progressive house producer and DJ.




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Beatport, traxsource, junodownload


ZODIAC13 Journey: 014 on DI.FM.
Melodic & Deep Soundscape Travellers
Saturday 24th, Oct 2020.
Keisuke Kimura with Luziq
Cover Artist: Yerruy83
3PM UK / 4PM CET / 7AM Pacific / 10AM Eastern / 11PM JST
DI.FM Progressive Channel


About LuNa

LuNaLUNA is a DJ from Osaka, Japan.
She started DJ-ing in dining bars back in 2011. Since then, she has decided to limit herself to online activities, such as podcasts and radio shows, which actually brought her to a wider stage.

As a child, LUNA grew up in an environment with different types of music and this contributed to the fact that her play style incorporates a diversity of music genres like House, Techno, something Deep and Progressive, and also Chill. She is free-spirited and plays in her own style.

In order to make more people interested in club music and enjoy clubbing, LUNA is still working hard on performing her mission.

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