SATOSHI FUMI’s Biography: (Bedrock, UNKNOWN season)
Satoshi comes from Tokyo and is one of the most upcoming Japanese producers that managed to cross the boundaries and provide the international electronic music scene with his colorful deep and techy productions.
He has already released many tracks in labels such as John Digwee’s Bedrock,Hernan Cattaneo’s Sudbeat,Darren Emerson’s Detone,Get Physical Music,Moodmusic,We Play House Recordings,King Street Sounds,UNKNOWN season etc and as a result has managed to gain the recognition and respect of many key DJs such as Laurent Garnier,Ken Ishii, Ashley Beedle,Terry Farley,Hector Romero just to name a few.
He succeed gigs in Tokyo and played at good venues around the world(UK, France, Italy, Greece, Dubai, Ukraine, Taipei, Shanghai, Indonesia…)
He run a label Sequent:Recordings and a mix show Outerspace(with Osamu M) on Proton Radio.
Satoshi possesses a rich imagination, and will continue to be a prolific producer across many musical styles and building a strong discography the entire time as a result.
Deep Houseを軸に、AmbientからTechnoまで、幅広い音楽性を追及するProducer/DJ。
Deep Dish主宰のレーベルYoshitoshiから シングル「Protlex」をリリースし、一躍ワールド・ワイドなシーンで脚光を浴びる。現在まで、John DigweedのBedrock、Hernan CattaneoのSudbeat、Get Physical Music、We Play House Recordings、Moodmusic、UNKNOWN season、Plastic City、King Street Sounds等、ハイクオリティーなレーベルより、作品をリリースし、Laurent Garnie,Ken Ishii,Asley Beedle,Terry Farley等の支持を受けている。
自身のレーベル「Sequent:Recordings」を運営。Proton Radioでは、Osamu Mとの番組「Outerspace」を担当し、毎月、カッティング・エッジなMIXを披露している。
Latest Release:
Outerspace radio show Eevery 4th Friday on Proton Radio
Official Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube