Hey everybody, here is a summary of the new features of our website, along with a few “publishing how-tos” for community members (it’s really easy to use once you get started, but we thought we’d create this little guide as a handy reference).

The best way to see all of the new features offered on the website is by simply checking out the menus/submenus at the top of the page (or by tapping the ‘X’ icon on your mobile browser).

You will see the following links:

• “Log in / Sign Up”

• under “GENRES,” you can jump straight to your favorite style of electronica to see all posts in that category, (plus new genres, AMBIENT, BREAKS and NU-DISCO added!)

• “MUSIC & MIXES“: pretty self-explanatory, with new “MOOD MIXES” and “SONIC DISCOVERIES!”

• Electrofans FEATURES (Selections of the Week, Artist Spotlights, Interviews, Guest Columns)

NEWS & EVENTS category, again, pretty self-explanatory, but including new coverage of Radio Shows, Live Performances, Free Giveaways, and Upcoming Events

• and the most significant new feature:


Here you will find: TIPS & TRICKS (Share tips and tricks on music production, DJ-ing, recording and mixing), the BULLETIN BOARD (an exchange board for re-mixers, DJs, and vocalists – available, or “looking for”), various discussion TOPICS, the “ELECTRONIC MUSIC PRO” (Everything related to becoming more of a professional within the electronic music business: marketing, networking, fundraising/monetizing your work, etc), PROMOTE YOURSELF (producers, promoters and label peeps!!), and MEMBER INTROS (to introduce yourself to the Electrofans community!)



You’ll see “Featured stories” at the top of the home page, followed by a stream of the latest posts below, with boxes for a “Partner Offer” and “IN THE MIX,” to be rotated regularly ;).

*NEW! Now, if you’re a registered community member, every time you post on the site, your name, “about” description, and link to your website will appear at the bottom of each post! Also, since the most “Recent Posts” are shown on the home page (beneath “Feature Stories”), your posts will be immediately visible there each time you post!!



• Search results are improved and more comprehensive:




• First step, log in / sign up!

• Afterwards, you can edit your new profile, add a description, a link to your website, upload an avatar, etc..



ADD NEW POST / Join in the discussion!!

• Once you’ve activated your profile and logged in, you can ‘ADD A NEW POST.’ From any page on the site, look for the “+ New” icon (left of your screen), click that, then you can enter your post, title, choose a category/tag, as well as upload a featured image for your post:

See you there!!

2 Responses

  1. Robert Turner Robert Turner says:

    Diggin the new updates, lots of exciting features and definitely fun to interact with other music lovers =D

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