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Christina Ashlee – Find A Way

Album (Single): Find A Way
Producer, Sound Design: Christina Ashlee
Release on: Juiced Digital
Out now on Beatport
Available on all digital stores February 23rd

“Find A Way” the new song by Producer, DJ Christina Ashlee is here! From the start, a heart pounding melody. Kicking in overdrive, a treat for the senses. Think of it as motivation for a run, or a workout. That rush of adrenaline coursing through you, resulting in your mind & body saying “I can do this!” But more than just that, a song that delivers that rush, of an individual being able to take on anything, any obstacles.

Even the album art gives this glimpse into the song’s interwoven world. Looking onward, to the distance, all of that in front of your eyes. No limits. Apocalyptic? Maybe. But also powerful. That urge of hope, you can achieve anything, even when things seem bleak, or knocking you down. You can rise from those ashes, and overcome it all.

Christina Ashlee is an amazing producer, and DJ. She has been making music for many years. Electrofans is proud to support the incredble art she creates.

The song is available now on Beatport, and available worldwide on the 23rd of this month. Digital music store links can be found in the top left of this review article. A must buy for you awesome music library!

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