TAKEKIYO’s Biography

Starting his career as a Hip Hop, R&B DJ in the late 90’s, TAKEKIYO expanded his range to Balearic down tempo music, such as UK Soul, Ground Beat, and Chillout back in the days when he was buying crates of records in the search of new sounds. Then he was introduced to House music and was fascinated with the sense of unity and energy on the dance floor that House music provides. This was a seminal realization for him, and still to this day, it is the driving force behind his music style.
In 2012, his career came to an important turning point from an unexpected source.
Through an introduction from a close friend, he became involved with Rooftop Bar OO ? Osaka’s first outdoor venue focused on dance music ? as manager and resident DJ. Through the success of this space, ALZAR was born, in which he has been responsible for the planning, design, production and now the management of this new incredible space.
His DJ mixes are born out of track selection that puts great emphasis on reading the dance floor and then telling a story. He blends the influences of Deep Trance and rolling Techno, all centered round Progressive House with intelligent spacey sounds being a focus. His ability to provide exciting music that you never tire of, at any time of the night is his signature reputation. His morning sets, which are the thing of legend, have earned him a reputation among discerning clubbers everywhere.

90年代後期にHip Hop、R&BのDJとしてキャリアをスタートし、新たな音楽を求めてレコードを買い漁る日々の中でUK SOUL、Ground Beat、ChilloutといったバレアリックなDowntempo Musicへとジャンルの幅を拡げていき、House Musicとの出会いを機にダンスフロアの凄まじい熱量と一体感を生むダンスミュージックに魅了され、現在のスタイルを確立させる。
彼の友人の紹介がきっかけで、現在の活動拠点である大阪初の屋外型ベニューであるRooftop Bar OO、そしてALZARという2つの空間が誕生し、企画・開発・運営の責任者として従事する傍ら、様々なパーティーにDJとしても数多く出演。
SeriousでSpacyかつ多幸感溢れるProgressive Houseを軸に、DeepなTranceや疾走感のあるTechnoなど、現場の雰囲気と思い描いたストーリーを基にMixする彼の選曲は、オープンからクローズまで、どの時間でも飽きることなく客を楽しませる安定感と、得意分野である朝方の期待を裏切らない選曲は多くのファンに愛され、彼の活動の原動力となっている。


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“ALZAR OSAKA”, a groundbreaking new night club will be launched on the 3rd of May 2017.
In 2014, the first rooftop style venue “ROOFTOP BAR OO” was started in Dotonbori, Osaka.
A new club venue “Alzar” is located on the upper level of the rooftop where it overlooks the courtyard of the Rooftop bar OO.
Lately, the “sound” has been the tool for business and “Alzar” will be a piece of media, a part of the community to set and awaken its true quality and the root to change the Osaka’s club culture scene.
Alzar features state-of-the-art sound system and lighting throughout the venue which was designed based upon “the quality”. Having its unique sense of perspective, Alzar establishes itself with a variety of artists around the world.

2017年5月3日、ALZAR OSAKA 始動。
2014年 大阪の道頓堀では初の屋外型ベニューとして始まった場所、ROOFTOP BAR OO。その階上を囲む新たなクラブフロアが誕生する。
現在、”音”というカテゴリーがビジネスツールとなる中、真にそのルーツを呼び起こすコミュニティーの 一片となり、新たなカルチャーの発信地となる媒体、ALZAR(アルザル)。

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PODCAST Schedule

ZODIAC13 Journey: 007 on DI.FM
Melodic & Deep Soundscape Travellers
Saturday 28th. Mar 2020.
Guest Takekiyo Ishimoto with Luziq – ルジク
Cover Artist
4PM CET / 3PM UK / 10AM EST / 12PM JST
DI.FM Progressive Channel

plz enjoy;)

By LuNa


About LuNa

LuNaLUNA is a DJ from Osaka, Japan.
She started DJ-ing in dining bars back in 2011. Since then, she has decided to limit herself to online activities, such as podcasts and radio shows, which actually brought her to a wider stage.

As a child, LUNA grew up in an environment with different types of music and this contributed to the fact that her play style incorporates a diversity of music genres like House, Techno, something Deep and Progressive, and also Chill. She is free-spirited and plays in her own style.

In order to make more people interested in club music and enjoy clubbing, LUNA is still working hard on performing her mission.

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