ARTIST SPOTLIGHT: Reqterdrumer a.k.a Tomoya

ARTIST SPOTLIGHT: Tomoya aka Reqterdrumer

Reqterdrumer a.k.a Tomoya‘s biography:

Born in Fukuoka, Japan in 1976, Tomoya Matsubara worked as a DJ from 1996 to 2004.

Around 2008 he moved onto music production with a taste for deep house, techno and twisted electronica, under the name Reqterdrumer.

To date, he has had releases on several labels around the world, spanning from the, UK, Spain, Portugal, Serbia, Brazil, and Japan.

In May 2012, he did a remix for the Mission One EP – Analog People which reached #48 on the Beatport Techno chart.

Blue Arts Music〉主宰。


現在はourdというパーティを福岡KIETH FLACKにて主催し、毎回大きな話題を呼び大盛況を収めている。

トラックメイカーとしては、2008年にサイト上にアップしたフルートを全面的にフィーチャーし、叙情的で心の琴線に触れるような哀愁漂うトラック「Senkai」がCorey Gibbonsの目に留まり、彼が同年イビサで始動させた〈KAWA MUSIC〉よりリリースされた。 その後、イギリス/ポルトガル/セルビア/オーストラリア/ブラジル/アルゼンチン等のレーベルから多数作品を発表。2014年にリリースした「Suiren」はテクノゴッドKEN ISHIIがリミックスを手掛け、そのエッジの効いたファンキーなトラックはDerrick MayXhinなど世界のトップDJたちがプレイ。今もなおフロアを熱狂させるキラーチューンとなっている。

Soundcloud: Reqterdrumer

Soundcloud: Blue Arts Music

Buy on Beatport

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Reqterdrumer, Ourd, Blue Arts Music


Debuger, Spotify



About LuNa

LuNaLUNA is a DJ from Osaka, Japan.
She started DJ-ing in dining bars back in 2011. Since then, she has decided to limit herself to online activities, such as podcasts and radio shows, which actually brought her to a wider stage.

As a child, LUNA grew up in an environment with different types of music and this contributed to the fact that her play style incorporates a diversity of music genres like House, Techno, something Deep and Progressive, and also Chill. She is free-spirited and plays in her own style.

In order to make more people interested in club music and enjoy clubbing, LUNA is still working hard on performing her mission.

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