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HIDEYOSHI was born in Tokyo. From a very young age, he went almost every day to the nightclubs, where he was influenced by music and images, and where his sensitivity was polished.
It was an occurrence in Shibuya. Light poured into HIDEYOSHI’s body that woken up to express with an image, and it begun by self-education to study an image. Neither sleep nor a meal was unenthusiastic ally taken just because it was devoted to image work.
Such a sense and the gain in popularity got him greatest support from Director TAKESHI KITANO.
In a movie “Zatoichi”, where he did a remix work, and at Venice International Film Festival, his work shown at the convention hall and it played a role in the Golden Lion award, which is the highest honour. In addition, he produced a lot of movie such as the famous artist of home and abroad, the fashion brand.
He started his “music activity” in January 2012. He shown great ability as a producer, thanks to his creativity, which was developed as a movie director, and affected in the streets and club, where he was born. He released more than 100 track on 30 labels worldwide in only a half year, as soon as he released first the first EP in April 2012, and accomplished rapid fame, receiving offers to tour the World.

Big in the ranks of the Beatport Top Selling Tracks in Japan in August 2012, and the CD of the Album from the Entropy Records in Paris, France in September and the global distribution in 2014 of the Beatport’s Minimal Chart Get 1st place over Artists. In 2015, vinyl was released from Detroit’s famous label “Soiree Records”.
In just under three years, the 300track was released.
In September, he created the label “Killer Crossover” where he released his own experimental tracks.

But he takes care of his illness for four years.

In 2019 he started his activities.

In 2019 International big label “Soma Records” “Suara” “FLASH Recordings” “ Sleaze Records” “Naked Lunch” “Frequenza” “Eclipse Recordings” “Funk’n Dope”“De-Konstrukt” “Silve M” “Luft” “Natura Viva” have released his many tracks digitally from the many label

The sound of the one and only brought about by the sensitivity that is cutting edge forged in a street of Tokyo and a deep spirituality, he received big support from many big artists around the World as well as Japan, and gained the support of many fans around the World.

The jet-black and mysterious grooves of Hideyoshi, which rises in the night darkness, will get a new legend in World club scene as well as Tokyo. The third eye opened by the meditation that Hideyoshi does every day. Live Performance, which sacrificed his unique sharp sensitivity not to depend on reason to let loose from there for, and one’s mind and body attracted a big audience to his gigs.

In July 2011, he started to work as open owner in EN-SOF TOKYO, as a place of the self-expression.

Film graphy

Image supervisor

Sergio Mendes
Snoop Doggy Dog
Pitt Bull
50 cent
Black Eyed Peas

and more…


Beatport, Facebook (Fanpage), instagram

Soundcloud: Latest release


Hideyoshi (Killer Crossover)

Producer/ 映像作家
Sound Art Pradise 【EN-SOF TOKYO】オーナー。



そして、北野武(Takeshi Kitano )監督からも尖ったCREATIVEのセンスを認められ最高級の評価を受け映画『座頭市)』のREMIX作品を手がけ、ヴェネチア国際映画祭のコンベンション会場にてその作品が流され最高の栄誉である金獅子賞に一役買う事となる。


映像作家として鍛えられたCREATIVITY,STREETやCLUBで培ってきSENSITIVITYをBACK BORNにProducerとしての能力も発揮し、2012年4月にファーストEPをリリースするやいなや、わずか半年間で世界30レーベルから100 track以上をリリースワールドツアーのOfferを受けるアーティストまでに急成長を遂げた。
2012年8月のBeatport Top Selling Tracks in Japanのチャートで堂々の1位にランクインし9月にはフランス・パリのEntropy RecordsからAlbum CDが世界流通を、2014年にはBeatportのMinimal Chartで並み居るBig Artistsを押しのけ1位を獲得。わずか3年弱の間に300trackをリリースした。
更に自身のレーベル「Killer Cross Over」を立ち上げ実験的なTrackを次々とリリースするなど東京のストリートで鍛え上げられたカッティングエッジな感性と、深い精神性から生み出される唯一無二のサウンドは国内だけでなく世界中の数多くのビッグアーティストたちからビッグサポートを受け世界中のオーディエンスからも狂信的な支持を集めている。

Hideyoshiが毎日行っている瞑想によって第三の眼(Third Eye)が大きく開花しそこから解き放つ理に頼らぬ独特の尖った感性と己の精神と肉体を削ったLive Performanceはオーディエンスを魅了する。

2011年7月、自己表現の場として渋谷にEN-SOF TOKYOをOpenさせオーナーを務めている。

Youtube: HIDEYOSHI Live Set at WOBM 16th September 2019


Fearless Podcast Code: 032 on DI.FM.
Wednesday 18th. Mar 2020
Osaka meets Tokyo.
Hideyoshi (Soma Records / Suara / Sleaze Records / FLASH Recordings / Naked Lunch Records)
with LuNa / Anemone Music
4PM CET / 3PM UK / 10AM EST / 12PM JST
DI.FM Techno Channel

About LuNa

LuNaLUNA is a DJ from Osaka, Japan.
She started DJ-ing in dining bars back in 2011. Since then, she has decided to limit herself to online activities, such as podcasts and radio shows, which actually brought her to a wider stage.

As a child, LUNA grew up in an environment with different types of music and this contributed to the fact that her play style incorporates a diversity of music genres like House, Techno, something Deep and Progressive, and also Chill. She is free-spirited and plays in her own style.

In order to make more people interested in club music and enjoy clubbing, LUNA is still working hard on performing her mission.

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