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“Victory” album review

Song info

Title: Victory
(Extended, original, and dub mix)
Genre: Trance, Uplifting
Lyrics,, and vocals by: Hidden Tigress
Producer, and sound design by: Sandro Mireno
Release on: Abora Recordings
Available Now

A word that defines many meanings, from overcoming obstacles, to breaking through a difficult challenge. But within this incredible song, lyrics, and vocals, it is a triumph, an anthem, a celebration. It is a feeling, a charge of adrenaline, and emotions to rush in with every fiber of your being. Drawn to positive energy, like a magnet pulling you closer, it is powerful. An irresistible force, that brings you joy, excitement, makes your heart skip a beat. A feeling you never want to forget, but treasure always.

Within this amazing song, it captures that essence, energy, and rush in its melody, flow of lyrics, and the powerful vocals that Hidden Tigress delivers. Sandro Mireno’s sound design enhances every second, and connects with the incredible lyrics, and vocals like a heartbeat pounding faster, in motion. In unison, a perfect harmony, it is beautiful, captivating, and engaging, an energy that cannot be defined, but felt.

Victory is a must add to your music library. It is more than a song, but an experience that washes over you with vibes like no other song before. Close your eyes, open your heart, and enjoy every minute.

Featuring an awesome playlist, music videos: including the original mix, extended, and dub. Press play, and enjoy the vibes


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