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Song review “Introspection”?

Track title: Introspection
Lyrics and vocals by singer / songwriter: Hidden Tigress
Producer: Arsen Gold
Label: Trance Temple Records

From the opening notes, to the incredible instruments pushing the melody forward. It finds its balance, and takes the listener on a unique journey. The energy throughout evolves in a constant, and beautiful flow.

As the vocals unfold, it takes a different energy, Hidden Tigress’s tone and energy are amazing. The music and her words, flow together like waves in the ocean.

The balance of music, and vocals are dreamlike. Close your eyes, and let it take you away. The feel of air, energy, beauty, majesty, and wonder. Those are what is felt throughout. And it is beautiful from start to finish. This track deserves to be part of your library

Song links
Available at Beatport
Artist info
Hidden Tigress

Arsen Gold

Trance Temple Records

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