Remix Album Review “To Love Again”

Album title: To Love Again (Remixes)
Release date: August 31st
Lyrics and vocals by singer, and songwriter: Hidden Tigress
Producer and sound design (original mix): Derek Palmer
Remixes by: DJ Quba and Sandra Kanivets
Jon Bourne
Label: Estrella Recordings

Last year, the original album delivered an astounding track. But this year, the remix album kicks off positive vibes with a collection of talents that bring something wonderful to the track. Featuring various talents from around the world, and no two remixes are alike.

DJ Quba and Sandra Kanivets remix (Electronica)
A laid back, but still energized version of the song. With a guitar singing along, complimenting Hidden Tigress’s phenomenal vocals. It instills an open world, able to breathe kind of a vibe. A dream where you can do anything. Or even a day at the beach, a getaway from it all. But it also allows you to clear your mind, or even dance with a partner really close.

The flow from beginning to end is amazing, and a must listen

Numendian remix (Trance)
Giving that jungle and bass vibe, the energy is off the charts. And builds its melody, like a fast paced motion.
Instilling a unique, but pulse pounding rendition. It does not slow down, but flows with the vocals, and keeps going. The music connects to the vocals perfectly, complimenting every note. And a piano kicks in midway, changing the tone altogether.

Deme3us remix (Trance)
Fast paced, but also high energy, feels like you’re on a high speed chase going about the city. Plus the vocals flows with the melody, that pushes forward at an amazing pacing, including backing vocals that go seamlessly with the build up. And then morphs into a slowdown midway, it is a surprise transition. Then builds up intensity once more.

Jon Bourne (Trance)
Feeling more of a club energy, the resonating sound of waves polarizing, and moving as one. It connects to the original melody, complimenting the sound. Its as of Tesla Coils were singing along. And then builds another melody, that dances with the tone and energy, surrounding the vocals. It is a wonder, and amazing mix. Plus the vocals are still mesmerizing, and breathtaking.

To summarize, each remix is excellent. All four deliver a unique experience. Just close your eyes, and let the music take you away.


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