“Promotion sells, but who’s buying?”

If you’re reading this post, and are a producer or label owner, you’re probably in this scene because you have a love & passion for the music, much more than a desire to make some kind of “big money.” At the same time, wouldn’t it be nice to be earning a little bit more in return for all the time and work you put into your productions??

We all know the music industry is brutal, and it’s a commonly known, unfortunate fact that (almost) no one actually BUYS music any more (although of course it is still definitely valuable to increase your social media following and network…) This new category, “THE ELECTRONIC MUSIC PRO,” is meant to attempt to solve (or at least improve!) this problem.

Let’s share posts here to help each other out and provide a kind of “think-tank” on how to monetize the electronic music biz while creating quality music.

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