Polyed, Ria Joyse – “Feel Alright”

Album: Feel Alright
Lyrics, and vocals by Singer, Songwriter: Ria Joyse
Producer, Sound Design: PoLYED
Label: Emergent Shores
Release: Out Now

From the beginning melody, it is happy, joyful, a dreamer, a wandering vibe that wants to connect to a feeling. Something that wants to be celebrated, shared, not alone. A warm hug, smile, dance, a drive to share that with everyone around you.

When the lyrics, and vocals sing, they add another layer to the celebration. Like fireworks come to life, sending its energy everywhere. Cascading over everyone, in the moment celebrating life, rebirth, a moment in time of happiness.

“Feel Alright” is a feel good song, a positive vibe, one you want to share, play it loud! Let everyone hear! Celebrate something that makes you happy! Get up and move! Smile, hug, dance! Anything you feel. Embrace it

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