Cynthia Laclé – Electrofans DJ Mix
A seriously heavy-hitting powerhouse set from Dutch DJane, Cynthia Lacle FRIDAY, JUNE 14 Here is the mix!
Electrofans Connect – Kickoff Meeting #1!
(Q & A Session on Zoom) To better accommodate more of our members, we will be offering this meeting during two different times: Wednesday, June...
DJ Jammy – Electrofans Mix #2
A delightful set of melodic techno and dance
Electrofans Connect – LISTENING LOUNGE (Session 1)
CALL FOR PRODUCER SUBMISSIONS! As part of our Electrofans Connect “Labels meet Producers” Group, we will be having our first “LISTENING LOUNGE” Session in a...
Electrofans Connect Meetup – “Tips for Producers Pitching Labels”
Our next Connect Meetup: “TIPS FOR PRODUCERS PITCHING LABELS” Thursday, January 23 - 1-2:30pm Pacific (4pm Eastern, 3pm Central | 9-10:30pm UK | 10-11:30pm CET...