Hidden Tigress, John Rockwell, Nitrous Oxide, – “Chasing the Stars”

Album: Chasing the Stars
Lyrics and vocals by Singer, Songwriter: Hidden Tigress
Producers, and sound design: John Rockwell, Nitrous Oxide
Release on: Reason II Rise: Uplift

From the start, the track opens with a beat, and melody that grabs your attention. It is high energy, then unravels, and expands. The build up is amazing, delivering a unique vibe. You could close your eyes, and feel like it is a club, a crowd to get lost in. But picture it, being a vast galaxy, with so many stars. Then the vocals submerge, then shift and reveal themselves. Hidden Tigress’s mesmerizing, and breathtaking vocals serenade throughout. Plus her vocals also form, and change shape, as part of the melody, transforming, breaking down, then coming together again.

The fusion of sound styles, and vocals that take you away. That is what this song feels like, a dream, a space you want to be in forever. Nitrous Oxide & John Rockwell created an awesome work of art within this marvelous release. You can feel the energy, and radiance throughout the song, and Hidden Tigress’s marvelous lyrics and vocals. They capture this essence that is beyond words to describe, you feel it within your heart and soul.

Music Video
The music video for this incredible song, begins with a view of the Northern Lights dancing across the sky. As more visuals explore a day and night cycle, it becomes apparent that maybe the Stars themselves might be singing, or Mother Earth / Gaia as she is called. From a star filled sky, to the passage of time, to nature and its wonders and beauty.

“Chasing the Stars” is available now

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