So that we can do our best to assure a positive experience for all of our community members, we ask that you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions:
Be kind to each other! (no harrassment of other users)
No spam or "way off-target" posts or comments.
You are at least eighteen years of age.
You will not use this community to take part in any activity in any way that is illegal.
You agree that we at will not be held responsible and will be "held harmless" for anything resulting from use of this website (please use discretion while using the site).
Absolutely NO POSTING of links to mp3/file-sharing sites and the like (unless, for example, an artist has offered a "free download" of a track on, say, SoundCloud, Facebook, Twitter, or their own website, i.e. link must be to an official site or social media site belonging to the artist who is the author of the track).
You assume responsibility for all copyright issues related to any content (text/images etc) that you upload to or post on this site (please e-mail us for any copyright-related issues).
The copyrights to artist images, song names, lyrics, official artist descriptions (authored by the artists or labels), trademarks, and all music accessible anywhere throughout this website or on any social media outlets posted officially by Electrofans belong completely to the original artists/creators of the music and/or their respective representative recording labels. All such material is used only for the purposes of helping to promote work by the artists and labels, with no copyright ownership of said original works implied or claimed by (unless otherwise stated).
Opinions and statements expressed through all user/third-party-generated content - including, but not limited to: comments and posts made by Electrofans site members, interviews, guestmixes, as well as any other content that may appear on or be associated in any form with the site - are those of their original authors, and do not necessarily reflect those of
Please be advised that we reserve the right (at our sole discretion) to delete any content (or user's profile in certain cases) that we determine to be abusive or inappropriate.
Regarding usage of content/information we receive from users on, it is our guarantee to you that we will never transmit any personally identifiable information (such as your email address) to our clients or partners without your permission (there is a box at the bottom of your 'Edit Profile' page where you can specify various 'User Privacy Settings'. For more information, please consult our privacy policy.
Feel free to e-mail us with any questions or concerns you may have related to using this online community at any time!
Revised: April 7, 2014
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /home/priijx82hdp2/public_html/oldsite/tracker.php:145
Stack trace:
#0 /home/priijx82hdp2/public_html/oldsite/terms.php(49): include()
#1 {main}
thrown in /home/priijx82hdp2/public_html/oldsite/tracker.php on line 145